Serving as the parent company of some of the world’s most groundbreaking enterprises, Uniterra’s commitment to service and technology is not only apparent in the several significant U.S. patents that its management teams hold, but also in each company’s marketplace standings. A large number of these businesses call Uniterra’s O’Hare Offices home. The proximity of these leaders creates a dynamic, collaborative work environment where ideas are shared, discussed and implemented at the highest level.
Uniterra employs strategic, collaborative-minded professionals whose deep investments in their respective fields, have led to, and continue to lead to, industry advancements and new ownership ventures. The idea of providing straightforward solutions to complex problems is one ownership has deployed since the late 1960s.
Uniterra is traced backed to the 1960s, when founding CEO and President, Dante Monteverde, led a team of programmers and engineers to fill a substantial void in the alarm monitoring industry. Monteverde is highly regarded as a revolutionary in the field. This experience, combined with his industry awareness, marketing intellect and a strong supporting management team, has led to technical advancements in a multitude of industries ever since.